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How to improve the efficiency of the edge banding machine

Release date:2019-09-18

In the process of furniture processing, edge sealing is a very important step. The quality of the edge sealing directly affects the quality of the furniture. The use of the edge banding machine is to improve the efficiency of the edge of the furniture, so that the actual benefit. The efficiency of the edge banding machine is an important guarantee for the quality of the edge banding. How to operate in order to ensure the maximum working efficiency of the edge banding machine is a problem of great concern to everyone.

In order to maximize the working efficiency of the edge banding machine, it is necessary to preheat the glue in advance, because the heating of the glue takes a certain period of time. If the heating is started when the edge is to be sealed, it will waste time and affect the edge banding. Machine use efficiency.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive inspection of the edge banding machine before the formal work, and replace some damaged parts in time to avoid damage during the operation of the edge banding machine, and to carry out the parts of the edge banding machine in the middle of the work. Replacement will affect the process of edge banding, greatly affecting the efficiency of edge banding, and affecting the work of edge banding.

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